Like a circle..Time have reached 360 degrees of timelines..
Like a sinus cycle moves up and then rolled to its lowest point..
Being extremely happy and then sad it came in sudden..
Maybe my heart has been numb because this up and down scratch..
The most predictable things in life is that life is the unpredictable..
In this life, “changes” is something that really absolute..
Believes, honest motive and never ending efforts are the grip..
Noticed or not you are the most unpredictable in this unpredictable life..
you make me smile, cry, happy, mad..
you made me exist..
wooooohhhh, jadi ini toh :D :D :D
pacar lu yan??
hohoho, masih ada rasa dalam hatimu.
i think she is yours true love..:) (bener kagak ye bahasa inggris gw..hehehe)
yoke: ini toh apa ke?
regi: pacar?bukan..
adi: menyerahkan semua sama Allah SWT..jodoh gk akan kemana..
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